Knuxx Post Bellator 91 Interview With Saad Awad By Caged Minds


Posted by Mika Frankl

Coming off a 0:43 KO of Will Brooks in the semifinal round of the season 8 Lightweight tournament I talk with Saad Awad.

MF: You said coming into this fight there would be no wrestling and there was no wrestling. How you feeling coming off the win?

SA: Man; I can’t even explain how I feel, I feel great man. I’m just happy to be here.  Happy to be in the tournament.  Happy to have given a great fight for the fans to watch.

MF: What’s the last month been like for you, not being in the tournament and then getting to this position?

SA: Before the last month, before I was in the tournament it was rough man to be honest man. I came off a win in my home town and it was cool, but I was struggling. Let’s just say I was struggling and for me to come in last minute and be able to get this opportunity I’m blessed. I’m happy.

There’s still more to this interview hear it by playing the video below…

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