Best Double End Bags

We have covered a few different types of punching bags already, such as speed bags and heavy bags but now it is time to explore the best double end bags. This rather unique punching bag is often underrated and has …

Best Speed Bag Platforms

Getting the best speed bag platform is just as vital as getting a great punching bag. If you want to really maximize the benefits of using this type of punching bag, you must make sure that you get the right …

Everlast 70-Pound MMA Heavy Bag Review

The 70 pound Everlast MMA Heavy Bag Kit is a great setup to buy if you're just getting into the world of heavy bags. While not recommended for stronger, heavier and more experienced punchers, this bag will still do the …

How Long Should You Train for a Marathon?

Preparing to train for a marathon is an exciting endeavor to partake in. But it is something that should not be taken lightly. The key to completing a marathon is proper preparation. Once you commit yourself to competing in a …

How to Deal With Shin Splints – Prevention & Recovery

Athletes who have had to go through the pain of shin splints know just how uncomfortable this kind of injury can be. Generally defined, shin splits are a condition that are caused by an inflammation of either the anterior or …

Building Your Base Running Miles + Training Plan

Doug Denton has never been too concerned when starting a new training cycle. He believed that doing the same routine every few days, would always benefit him. This meant he always ran or jogged the same distances at roughly the …

Why do Fighters Get Cauliflower Ears – by Rosi Sexton

We know you’ve seen them before. The fighter with the swollen ears that are all puffy and wrinkled. You may have even asked yourself “Why are MMA fighters’ ears swollen or deformed?” Let’s see if we can figure it out. …

The 4 Best Reflex Punching Bags for Home Use

A reflex punching bag is an alternative type of boxing bag to the traditional heavy punching bag that offers its own unique benefits to whoever uses them. Whether you are a serious boxer and fighter or someone who just wants …

Best Heavy Bag Hangers

It is important to buy the best heavy bag hangers possible based on what you need, where you’re going to hang the bag and which one will support the bag you want to hang. In order to make your training …

Best Speed Bag Swivels

It is vitally important to find the best speed bag swivels available in order to maximize your benefits of using a speed punching bag. It can be hard to find good swivels that are sustainable, durable and long-lasting whilst functioning …

10 Biomechanical Gym Mistakes that are Limiting Your Gains

Social media has helped to promote many ideas, but one of the great ones is the online social presence of fitness. Many commonly agreed upon ideas at the gym are based on sound science, but many, including form and bio-mechanics are what we call “broscience”. Much of this …

How to Throw a Left Hook

Many people don’t really understand how to throw a left hook with the right amount of power & accuracy. When they first start out on boxing, kickboxing or are just working out at home, many people come into the gym …