The True Essence of Strength by Daniel Rocha, NPC National Athlete

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With so much going on in life, it’s too easy to become frustrated and upset. Falling into a depression and just complaining about things that really are out of our control. They say the devil never sleeps and he will find his chance to annoy, tempt and distract you from your goal.

Now you don’t have to be religious to understand that it is up to you to make something happen. We all want that “one chance”, that “big break” we deserve. I ask you, what are you waiting for? Why do you create your own walls to jump over, place road blocks where there should be a highway to your goals.

I was told a few lines by some clients this week … “I’m not a balls-out-go-getter!” “You don’t know what its like to have this kind of job!” “I can’t do any of those things!” “I don’t think it’s worth the money or effort!” “My responsibility to my kids keeps me from doing what I want!”

Wow, I can’t stop some of your thoughts but know that thoughts become your faith. What you believe transcends into ultimately why you are where you are in life. We all have obstacle to overcome … money, love, relationships, kids, family, issues, and concerns, and pain knows no enemy. He will strike and stay with you until your strong enough to let it all go.

Make the choice to be better…say “I CAN” and take that 1st, 2nd, and 3rd step towards your goal.  Never speak of yourself with discouragement, instead move into a more creative mind set.  Harmony can come to your soul and inner spirit thru creativity and ingenuity, allowing gratitude to flow freely.  Gratitude will unify your thoughts with faith and hope forming a new found intelligence and comfort.

Think of your goal and never lose sight of it.  But I ask you to never wish for your dream.  Wishes come with contemplation and negative influence.  Instead have a burning desire to have, to achieve, and to create.  Desires come with action; they are impressive in nature and are a living force to be dealt with.

Desires are thoughts with intense purpose.  The drive to do today and not put off till tomorrow.  Purpose, with the realization of the mental image at hand, is a powerful tool for achieving the dream.  Your dream must become a goal and a goal comes with a deadline.  Your will certainly encounter hardships, battle demons and endure being uncomfortable.  But one will never know the true essence of pleasure with out the experience of pain.

Till next time… all my best!


Daniel Rocha is an athlete, personal trainer, body builder, coach and owner of RocBodyFitness / RocBodyAngels.  He is also an NPC National Athlete.  For more information please visit his website at or read his blog for more articles and