Disclosure, Disclaimer, Terms of Use, Affiliate, Information & Product Disclaimers

WARNING – the information below is pretty boring but it is necessary.
Read at your own risk, you might fall asleep and you would probably be better off out punching a bag, riding your bike or lifting!



 Terms of Use 


From time to time, KNUXX or its authors, contributors, writers or guest bloggers will, endorse, promote or suggest services and/or products for sale. Our recommendations, reviews, and rankings are ALWAYS based on our belief that the product and its creator will provide excellent and valuable information or service based on a review of that product, KNUXX’s relationship with that person or company, and or previous positive experience with the person or company who’s product we recommend. In some cases, we will be compensated if you decide to purchase some products, services or access based on our recommendation. In some cases, we have received the product for free for review purposes. We commit to you that we will always do our best to provide unbiased product reviews.  If a product fails our expectations or seems unsafe we will let you know. Remember these are all recommendations based on our experience and opinion, please always do your OWN due-diligence before making any purchase.  KNUXX is a participant in several Affiliate Programs as well as the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com


KNUXX is the copyright owner of all information contained in this service, except as otherwise indicated. Other parties’ trademarks and service marks that may be referred to herein are the property of their respective owners. You may print a copy of the information contained herein for your personal use only, but you may not reproduce or distribute the information to others or substantially copy the information on your own server, or link to KNUXX’ website, without prior written permission of KNUXX. Use or reproduction of information from this service for any other purpose is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in civil and criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible.  We try to protect our brand, our intellectual property, the intellectual property of our contributors & guest bloggers and the copyright of any of our advertisers or sites we reference.


Links from this website and in our KNUXX free newsletter are provided for your convenience. Should you leave this site, or the KNUXX newsletter issue, via a link contained therein, the content that you view on the target site is not provided by our company. We are not responsible for, nor have developed or reviewed, the content at those sites. We make no guarantees, representations, or warranties as to, and shall have no liability for, any electronic content delivered by any third party, including, without limitation, the accuracy, subject matter, quality, or timeliness of any electronic content.


KNUXX’s liability, whether in contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, shall be limited in the aggregate to direct and actual damages not to exceed the fees received by KNUXX from Subscribers, visitors, or users of the site. KNUXX will not be liable for consequential, incidental, punitive, special, exemplary, or indirect damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance upon any material provided by KNUXX. Without limitation, KNUXX shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damages related to, either directly or indirectly, (1) any decline in market value or loss of any investment; (2) a subscriber’s inability to use or any delay in accessing the KNUXX website or any other source of material provided by KNUXX; (3) any absence of material on the KNUXX website; (4) KNUXX’s failure to deliver or delay in delivering any material or (5) any kind of error in transmission of material; or (6) the use by a subscriber of any research to invest in any way which may be deemed unsuitable in accordance with certain industry standards. KNUXX and Subscriber acknowledge that, without limitation, the above-enumerated conditions cannot be the probable cause of any breach of any agreement between KNUXX and Subscriber. “No-risk” and “risk-free” refer solely to the subscription price refund policy for products we offer with such label.




Not withstanding any other agreement or other communications between KNUXX and Subscriber to the contrary, receipt or use of any material provided by KNUXX, at any time and through any means, whether directly or indirectly, represents acknowledgement by such person of this disclaimer and agreement with its terms and conditions.


KNUXXX Products carry a standing Thirty (30) Day refund period from the date of purchase. If a physical product has been purchased.  If a product that we sell or ship is defective upon receipt a return authorization must be obtained in order to send the merchandise back to KNUXX.  KNUXX will honor any refund for defective merchandise but not for damage or defect caused by shipping or user negligence.

Contact Us through the general contact page to arrange a refund if required.


Information Disclaimer

This website and the material covered is for informational purposes only. KNUXX takes no responsibility for what you do with the knowledge and information that we provide. We cannot be held responsible for any property or medical damages caused by items you read about on our website. We would advise you to check your local laws.

The material taught throughout the KNUXX website is for informational purposes only. By taking any information or education material from KNUXX,  you assume all risks for the material covered. You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend KNUXX and any of our authors, writers, guest bloggers or advertisers from any and all claims and damages as a result of any and all of the information covered.

By taking and/or using any informational resources from KNUXX, you agree that you will use this information in a safe and legal manner, consistent with all applicable laws, safety rules, and good common sense. You further agree that you will take such steps as may be reasonably necessary or required by applicable law to keep any information out of the hands of minors and untrained and/ or immature individuals.

Product Disclaimer

KNUXX occasionally sells cycling related merchandise that we recommend or as part of our normal course of business.  We make every effort to ensure that the order goes to individuals or organizations who are legally authorized to purchase such product.

When you order and purchase any merchandise from KNUXX, you represent that you are of legal age to purchase this merchandise and that this merchandise can be purchased and owned in your state, county, and/or city of residence.

When you purchase anything from KNUXX, you agree to assume all risks related to and/or arising from your ownership and use of the merchandise and agree to indemnify and hold KNUXX harmless from any and all claims brought by any person or entity against KNUXX related to and/or arising from your ownership and/or use of the merchandise.  KNUXX assumes no responsibility for the installation, application, use or defect of any product sold – we are not the manufacturer.

KNUXX does its best to accurately represent the merchandise, through photo, price and copy. Occasionally we make mistakes. If such a mistake should occur, your order will be corrected as the facts may dictate.